After Hours Contact
Our physician is on call for emergencies. Call the main number (256) 770-4750, and there will be an option for the emergency mailbox. Please leave a message with your name, concern, and a callback number. The on-call physician will be notified and will return the call. We ask our patients to reserve the calls for true emergencies. For things that can wait for the next business day, please use the option to leave a message for the receptionist.
Nurse Calls
The telephone hours are 8-5 Monday-Thursday and 8-4 Friday. Established patients can ask non-urgent questions through the Patient Portal. Online questions will be answered during regular office hours. If you call, please help us make the best use of your time and ours. When leaving a message for the nurse, include your name, your doctor’s name, and your date of birth and briefly describe the reason for your call. Always give us the best phone number to return your call. Every effort is made to return calls by the end of the day. If you have an urgent need after hours, call the main number and follow the prompts to contact the doctor on call.
Processing refills through the pharmacy is the most efficient and accurate method. Please call your pharmacy, and they will fax us the complete information. If you need to contact us about your prescriptions (including birth control pills), please call during office hours. Non-urgent medication changes will only be made during office hours. Please have the phone number for your pharmacy available at the time of your call. You can also request prescription refills through the Patient Portal. Allow 48 hours for all refill requests.
If you have not gotten results in a reasonable time frame, feel free to call.
If you have questions about your account you may contact the business office by using the Patient Portal. If you want to call, follow the prompt for the business office. When no one is available, please leave a message with the best number to reach you. Someone will call you within 24 hours.
Your medical record is confidential information. We will release your records only with your written authorization in accordance with state and federal law. Click here for the Authorization to Release Medical Records form. Please print, sign, and fax it to us at (256) 770-4750, with attention to Medical Records. Allow five working days for the records to be available.
If you require assistance completing FMLA and/or disability forms, there is a $60 fee per form for the employee and physician’s time. The forms will be completed in 7-10 business days. Please have all demographic information completed when you turn the form in.
We take your privacy seriously and take extra precautions to protect your information, whether in verbal, paper, or electronic form.
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